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Downloadable Lessons For Sale

Perhaps you'd rather download these lessons instead of streaming them? Well, here's where you can do just that! In addition to the tab, all of my lessons are private YouTube video links which only you as the customer will have access to.


You also have the choice to download the actual video files using a wonderful app called 4k Downloader. It's free for a certain amount of downloads but you can purchase it for a very modest price and download as many videos as you want! It's quite easy to use and you can either store the video files on your computer (a flash drive works best) or save the links by creating a Toby Walker Playlist on your YouTube Channel and store them there.
Click HERE to find out more about the 4k Downloader.

How to order your lessons: Simply click on the PayPal button on the lesson page. You can either use PayPal or your credit card.  I will then send the YouTube video link(s) and tab to you via a Drop Box link within 24 hours, usually sooner!

Here Are The Lessons

Individual Songs

These lessons contain one song plus additional ideas you can add for more variety.

Lesson Packs 

Lesson Packs contain several songs along with many extra licks that you can apply to them. 

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