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More Skill Builders

  • 28 Steps


Now in the keys of E and D!!Build your skills, develop new techniques, and learn some cool instrumentals with this unique set of lessons. A continuation of Acoustic Skill Builders, this second installment covers the keys of E and D. In this series of lessons I am going to walk you through, step-by-step, a series of instrumentals that will develop your technique and enrich your overall playing abilities. Each section starts out with a basic arrangement which then builds gradually into a piece that you'll be proud to have mastered. Everyone, from all levels of playing will find these lessons very beneficial. Once learned, you'll be ready to tackle just about any acoustic blues song with confidence, and even come up with quite a few new ideas to add to them! HERE'S A VIDEO SHOWING YOU THIS SET OF LESSONS: Level 3 All of my lessons on this website can be accessed through my very affordable subscription plans. Just click 'Subscription Plans' in the menu above for more information.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


3 Plans Available, From $39.00


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